Guest post by Sarah Robert BSc., Registered
Dietitian and Owner of Simply Yours Nutrition
often means the return to packed lunches, usually sandwiches. For many people, the idea of packed
sandwiches is less than appealing. I
remember once in elementary school my teacher was checking our lunch bags to
make sure we had finished our sandwiches before we could go out to play. I did not
want to eat that sandwich – it was warm and wrapped in saran wrap and squishy. I watched as the other children in my class
filed out of the classroom one by one with the teacher checking their lunch
bags as they went. Then I carefully
placed the already flat sandwich underneath my thermos and joined the
line. Success!
Except not
really. Turns out in hindsight that it
really was an epic failure. Okay, maybe
not epic, but a failure nonetheless.
Without a good lunch, I think it is safe to say that my concentration
and learning were not as good as they could’ve been. And maybe I was a little grumpy. And probably my mom wasn’t that thrilled to
find a squished up and totally uneaten sandwich underneath my thermos when I
got home.
sandwiches don’t have to be sad or squishy.
And they certainly meet my criteria for being easy to prepare and a
healthy choice. But how to change your
sandwiches from sad to sensational?
The outer layer:
Make it
healthy – choose a 100% whole grain product.
Grandin Bakery sells delicious fresh 100% whole wheat bread, and their
Kaiser buns and dinner rolls come in 60% whole wheat but you can order them in
100% whole wheat. Remember to watch
portion sizes – especially with buns, or breads that are not pre-sliced.
Make it
delicious – does anything beat fresh bread or buns?
Make it
creative – switching from bread to buns or to other whole grain products can
keep things interesting. With bread
sandwiches, you can cut them in different shapes – triangles, four squares,
strips, or even use cookie cutters from time to time for heart, flower, dinosaur,
or other shaped sandwiches (which my children really appreciate, but turns out
my husband does not). :)
The spread:
Switch it up
– try mustard, low fat salad dressing, hummus, light mayo, honey mustard,
salsa, low fat cream cheese etc.
The filling:
goes! Fish is a healthy choice that many
of us do not eat enough. Try salmon or
tuna on your sandwich. Egg salad,
cheese, leftover chicken or roast beef.
The toppings:
In my
opinion, the best sandwiches are made by the toppings you add in. Tomato or cucumber slices, lettuce, little
chunks of peppers, sliced apple, grated carrots.
And then, to
keep your sensational sandwich from turning sad… first, consider packing the
toppings separately and adding them right before eating. Second, if the sandwich is for a child and
they prefer all their sandwich components separate from one another, remember
there is no reason that they need to eat it all at once. Third, invest in a reusable container that
will protect that sandwich from being squished en route. Four, use either a reusable ice pack or a
frozen water bottle or 100% juice box to keep the lunch at a temperature that
is both safe and palatable.
Want more
healthy lunch suggestions? Simply Yours
Nutrition will be focusing on healthy lunches for the month of September. Like us on Facebook for free nutrition tips
and information, and check out our website at

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Nutrition on Facebook for nutrition tips, information, special deals, and
even some laughs!